Instructions For Making Hairpin Lace Crochet
Lyn Brown
There are many different ways to make Hairpin Lace. There are no rights
or wrongs, if it works for you, then its right!!
There are numerous different types of Hairpin Lace Looms/Forks. They all achieve the same thing
(in fact with a little imagination you can make a loom using things around your
house. The one on the right below was made from two 120 degree hot glue stick with
parallel holes drilled in them and two bamboo skewers):
This is how I do it -
If you use one of the “u” shaped looms you may work with it either with the opening to the top
or the bottom. It is just personal preference. 
1. Start by making a long
slip knot. Put over the left prong of your pin, fork or loom (referred to as fork from now
2. Wrap the yarn so it goes from the front to the back of the fork round the
right hand tine. The yarn is now at the back of the fork; hold the yarn in your left
3. Putting the hook
through the two loops at the left of the fork, catch the yarn and draw it back through the loop and chain
4. Remove the crochet
hook while holding chain 1 loop. Move crochet hook to back of fork and reinsert into chain 1 loop. Then turn the fork over
bring right side toward you and the yarn will loop around the fork (this sounds a lot more complicated than
really is - you are simply turning the fork and moving the hook in such a way that it doesn't
5. Make a chain stitch
and then insert the hook between the top two loops on the left and make a single crochet.
6. Keep turning the work,
making a chain stitch followed by a SC. A rhythm will soon form and this will become a smooth action. To
fasten off simply draw the cut end of the yarn through the stitch as you would with normal
7. When your fork is
full, if you want to continue to make the strip longer you may remove the beginning loops from the fork and
continue working. The method of doing this will vary depending on which type of loom
or fork you are using. With the “u” shaped fork if you are using it with the open end
up you will have to remove all of the loops and replace the last 3-4 loops on the fork to
continue. With the adjustable looms you can simply remove the bottom of the frame and
release as many loops as you need to and replace the frame and continue working. If
you are using the “u” shaped fork with the open end down, you can just allow the beginning loops to slide off
of the bottom of the fork.
8. There are many ways of
joining your strips, some people run a row of single crochet up the edge, joining the two strips, or use a
more fancy stitch.
Weaving Method>>>>
Hairpin Lace-Joining Strips
The methods for joining your hairpin lace strips are limited only by your
imagination. Listed below are some of the most common joins:
Slip Stitch
With a crochet hook and extra yarn held underneath the work, join
the strips by inserting hook into one loop from left and one loop from right strip. Slip stitch them together
by catching yarn on hook and drawing it throug the three loops.
This method requires no extra yarn. Insert the crochet hook into
one, two or three loops of one strip, then into the same number of loops of the other strip. Draw the second
group through the first. Continue along the length of the strips.
Chain Stitch
With a crochet hook and extra yarn, pick up two loops from one
strip and work a single crochet stitch in the space. Chain 2, pick up two loops from the other strip and work
a single crochet in the space, chain 2. Repeat
9. Once
you have joined your strips you may add a finishing edge to the outside strips. Another
variation is to add your preferred edging to each strip and then join them using a slip stitch or other fancier
connecting stitch.
Hairpin Lace-Finishing Edges
Single Crochet Stitch
A single crochet stitch along the edge is the simplest way to finish the outside loops of a
strip. To do this, make a loop on the hook with a separate length of yarn. Work a single crochet stitch into
each loop along the length of the strip.
Group the Loops
To group the loops, pick up several loops, keeping the twist in them. Work a single crochet
stitch in the center space of the group of loops. Make a chain between groups of loops that has one stitch
less than the number of loops you picked up.
Picot Edge
To make a picot edging, work a single crochet stitch into first two loops held together. Chain
4, work a single crochet stitch into thrid chain from hook, chain 2, work a single crochet stitch into next
two loops held together. Repeat from the chain
The technique above can be modified and varied in a multitude of ways (limited only by your
imagination) ---Try including two single crochets each time to give a more substantial braid - or perhaps
include a Double Crochet.